Napoleon's worst enemy?
By Jon Chattman,
for thecheappop.com Fall 2005
His character shoved him in lockers, and even worse, didn't bother to "Vote for Pedro." But, unlike the character of Don in "Napoleon Dynamite," Trevor Snarr thinks the nerdy liger-drawer is "flippin' sweet." In a recent interview, the actor who played Haylie Duff AKA Summer's jock boyfriend in the instant cult classic, said he really digs the movie and the anti-hero lead character. We recently spoke to Snarr, who couldn't be more different than Preston High School's Don. As it turns out, acting is not the closest thing to him either. He's actually a senior airman in the Air Force Reserves in Utah. Read on, nephew...
JC: Were you more like Don or Napoleon in high school?
TS: Neither. I was probably a cross between. Believe it or not I was very shy, and didn't talk much. I did play football (Don) but was more of the quiet kid and kept to myself (like Napoleon).
JC: Where'd you go to HS?
TS: Murray High School, Utah (South of Salt Lake City). My father is the mayor of the city.
JC: That's cool! How'd u land the part?
TS: I recently arrived back from Montgomery, AL to SLC, UT (from training in the US Air Force as a Chaplain Assistant) . The prior year, I signed with an acting agency in SLC, but wasn't given any auditions. When I got back in April, I told them I was still interested so they sent me to my first, which was with "Napoleon." I went on my lunch break, auditioned and the rest is history.
JC: Were you surprised the movie took off like it did?
TS: Very surprised, but not too surprised. By the fourth day of shooting, I thought we had something unfriggin' believable.
JC: Do you really dig tater tots?
TS: Oh yes. I ate them growing up. Sometimes they do get a little clogged in your throat if you eat too much at once. I actually heard just recently about that: the guy who invented tater tots passed away. We should have a day dedicated to tater fans on his behalf. ]
JC: Hey your dad's mayor anything's possible! Would you vote for Pedro?
TS: Personally? No. But after seeing Napoleon dance, I would think of it. Most likely I would be the guy trying to get the cute girl, politics I know, but that is the way it works. Besides what guy wouldn't try to get with Summer?
JC: Does it bother you that all the marketing is aimed toward Pedro and Napolean?
TS: Heck no. They are friggin' hilarious. Who would want to buy stuff about Summer or Don? Not me! Our characters are bigger losers then Napoleon and Pedro combined.
JC: Ha, hey listen, can you get us LaFawnduh's phone number?
TS: Ha...ha...Only if you have a Nextel. I have her direct connect.
JC: Curse you T-Mobile! What's your favorite scene in ND?
TS: [The] kick ball scene. The one that was deleted. That was Jared [Hess, the director] fav as well. That was the scene I auditioned for. You always want to see the scene you auditioned for in the movie, because that is the one scene you work the hardest for.
JC: I hear that. Moving on, our site has a lot of wrestlers on it. Do you watch?
TS: Not any more. I used to. I was a big fan back in the day of "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan, and Randy Savage...obviously Hulk Hogan. I remember purchasing the whole WWF wrestling kit back in the day with all the figurines. My friends and I would also watch reruns of the WWF in our tent with the cool mid-90s television and VCR-combined set up.
JC: Sweet. Rick Moranis was kind of a nerd God in the 90s like Napoleon seems to be now. Do you think he's underrated?
TS: Totally, the dude is friggin' hilarious. He should keep doing roles such as the one dork he played in "Ghostbusters." The man has vision. Gatekeeper all the way, bro. I have no idea what is up with him right now: probably seducing Sigourney Weaver at the moment.
JC: Something tells me he's not. Anyways, what's next for you?
TS: Currently I'm finishing up my degree in PR at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City. I was offered a job in the Public Affairs office at Hill Air Force Base at the 419th Fighter Wing. I recently did a documentary in Peru. Here is the link to the trailer. http://www.livingbiography.com/stage/quicktime_tfk.html. As for acting, I'm still messing around here and there with directors and producers here in Utah that have some great ideas. After my degree and my six-year enlistment in the Air Force, which ends in a couple of years, I will decide whether I want to take acting more serious. This movie caught me by surprise during my degree.
Thanks and good luck, man. For the latest project Snarr's working on check out www.trekkingforkids.org
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